Franklin Offshore Australia is able to supply a range of Materials Handling equipment to suite all requirements.
Franklin Offshore Australia can also source Electric Chain Hoists & Winches as required. And has a working relationship with Many Materials Handling suppliers.
Clamps & Girder TRolleys
Used for a variety of applications within the Lifting & Rigging Industry. Girder Clamps and Girder Trolleys are essential to most workshop requirements. Girder Clamps are available in a wide range of sizes, from as small as 500kgs and up to 10 Tonne
Girder Trolleys follow suit within the same lifting range but are also supplied as either a Manual Push type, Chain Pulled Gear type or Motorized. You can see some of the specifications within our PDF here:
Snatch Blocks
Snatch Blocks are another common product used throughout the Lifting & Rigging Industry.
Franklin Offshore Australia carries the Swivel Type Snatch Block with Shackle Head has standard, however we are able to source any other type to suit your requirements.
Please see our range in our PDF:Snatch Blocks
Chain & Lever Blocks
Franklin Offshore Australia is a distributor for William Hackett Chain & Lever Blocks.
Chain Blocks & Lever blocks are some of the most versatile lifting products available in the market. Used for a variety of applications, allowing for ease of use when lifting heavy loads and the William Hackett range of blocks is no different.
Chain Blocks
The WH-C4 Chain block features:
- Lifting range from 0.5 Tonne up to 50 Tonne
- Standard lift height of 3 Metres. Alternative lengths Available upon request
- Complies with Australian Standard AS1418.2-1997 for use within Australia
- Overload Indicator Marks
- Twin Pawl double safety fitted as standard

WH-C4 Chainblock
Lever Blocks
The WH-L4 Lever block features:
- Lifting range from 0.8 Tonne to 20 Tonne
- Standard height of lift 1.5 Metres. Alternative lengths available upon request
- Australian Standard AS1418.2-1997
- Overload Indicator Marks
- Twin Pawl double safety fitted as standard

WH-L4 Lever Block
Subsea Lever block
New to the market is the SS-L5 Topside & Subsea Lever hoist. This William Hackett second generation hoist is the first lever hoist to be awarded by DNVGL ‘Saltwater Immersion test verification, Report No. A0359376.02, Rev.1. The report verifies that the SS-L5 type lever hoist could be safely used over a 21 day single immersion and a 31 day multi immersion period.
The SS-L5 Topside & Subsea Lever hoist has the following features:
- Lifting Range from 0.8 Tonne to 10 Tonne
- DABS (Dual Anti-Lock Brake System), this allows the load chain to be adjusted in freewheel mode without locking the brake.
- Stainless Steel Pawl Springs & Fixing
- Sintered / Fused Friction Material directly onto the ratchet gear. Grooves in the friction material enable water to be dispelled from the friction surface more effectively during subsea operations.
- Corrosion Protected Brake Mechanisim
- Adjustable Traveling End Stop

SS-L5 Subsea Leverblock
For a list of our stocked Chain & Lever Blocks, please see our data sheet: Hackett Chain & Lever Blocks